
**26-3-2011** Saturday

bad mood today T_T
at 7.40a.m
got a people call my mum
but my mum not bring phone go out
so my dad call me wake up answer the phone
i tell her my mum not bring phone go out
then she ask me can how to find my mum
that people so sot sot de lol
i say jor my mum not bring the phone go out
she ask me can how to find my mum
you say she sot bo?
and she ask me know beside my mum档口that aunty phone number
please...where i know???
she not me friend or not my friend mum...
sot sot地的@@
after answer call finish i go back to sleep

at 9.20++a.m
my younger brother say after 2p.m wif my 阿姨 go to eat MacDonald
i say dun lie me...
because is impossible
and my mum forget buy my breakfast
i so angry lol
then i eat the 粽子
when me back home she say who eat the粽子
than i say me lol
she say the food is tomorrow wanna sembahyang d
she not buy my breakfast first
what i know that is sembahyang de wor

today lunch is suhsi
that ok lol
do it from myself and my mum

wanna say bye already...
bye :]



Le Moon's Eatery.Bakery.Zakka Cafe

上個星期看見好姐妹分享這間CAFE 感覺上很不錯 店外的牆色給人就很舒服的感覺 於是就約了表妹們一起去 剛巧表妹也是想去很久了 於是我們就約在星期日一起去了 店外的設計 就如圖片所看到的外觀跟之前看的就是一樣 它有兩層,但只有底層可以入座...