
♥ HAPPY SUNDAY again ♥

brother sick jor...cannot shoppingT^T

Like tis picture...

skyyyyyyy...why u turn to black???

all yesterday in the car to take d...

yesterday go to Leisure Mall
go to see movie in GSC cinema...
the movie name is
i dunno the movie wat doing wat drama
i not understand....
after finish...
my younger brother say he sick jor...
cannot shopping again T^T
so we turn to BELAKONG ECONSAVE brought somethings...
at 4.30p.m we back home...
because brother want rest...

want say bye lol...
FRIEND...miss u alllllllllllllll....♥♥



Le Moon's Eatery.Bakery.Zakka Cafe

上個星期看見好姐妹分享這間CAFE 感覺上很不錯 店外的牆色給人就很舒服的感覺 於是就約了表妹們一起去 剛巧表妹也是想去很久了 於是我們就約在星期日一起去了 店外的設計 就如圖片所看到的外觀跟之前看的就是一樣 它有兩層,但只有底層可以入座...