
03-07-2011 (Sunday)

03-07-2011 ( SUNDAY )

that day go THE MINES

saw what movie??

haha TRANSFORMER 3 lol

i feel transformer 2 better than transformer 3

because transformer 3 got a bit " luan "

and that day is my first time wear got 7cm++ heigth shoes

scare scare T_T

haha cannot upload photo and tape chinese

because me used the office computer

not chinese and cannot upload photo

next time upload back lah

bye bye^^



Le Moon's Eatery.Bakery.Zakka Cafe

上個星期看見好姐妹分享這間CAFE 感覺上很不錯 店外的牆色給人就很舒服的感覺 於是就約了表妹們一起去 剛巧表妹也是想去很久了 於是我們就約在星期日一起去了 店外的設計 就如圖片所看到的外觀跟之前看的就是一樣 它有兩層,但只有底層可以入座...